

Interested News from Bangkok Post Wed 2nd 2011

These days, global positioning system (GPS) satellites can tell us where we are on Planet Earth down to the nearest square metre. Unfortunately in the world of branding, positioning is not such an exact science - but it is a critical part of the branding process, and without a sound, engaging and well thought out position, a brand can quickly become lost in the sound and fury of the modern marketplace.

Positioning is arguably the single most important factor in setting any brand on the road to success. Positioning, performed properly, should identify the crucial elements that can set your brand apart from its competitors and garner a sustainable strategic advantage. Put simply, it's about differentiating your brand from the pack.

One writer defines positioning thus: "the art of finding a space in consumers' heads". Nice image - and no easy task in this day and age, when consumers' heads are cluttered places indeed.

